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Ways to Support The Beltline

Your support is a priceless gift to the Beltline.


Every donation to the Atlanta Beltline Partnership makes a difference. Gracious individuals can make donations or participate in fundraising programs.

Corporate Sponsorships

Join a significant body of community and business leaders, representing the Atlanta Beltline’s most important corporations and foundations.

Beltline Merchandise

Proudly display your affinity for the BeltLine with our exclusive merchandise.


Lend a hand as an individual or group with a wide variety of impactful volunteer opportunities.

Community Meetings

Attend a community meeting and add your perspective to progress on the Atlanta Beltline.

Community Involvement

Get involved with the Atlanta Beltline by serving on one of our advisory boards, participating in our youth BeltLine Academy, or requesting we come speak to one of your groups.

Capital Campaign

Advancing The Vision

This comprehensive campaign is filling critical gaps in the Beltline network by creating new parks and trails and investing in critical operating and programmatic efforts to retain and empower BeltLine residents.

How We Are Bringing Communities Together

We’re committed to making the Beltline a connective force throughout the city of Atlanta.

Enabling: Park & Trail Construction

We are paving the way to implement the project and build more parks and trails by galvanizing private and philanthropic partners who recognize the transformative impact of the Atlanta Beltline.

Engaging: Programming, Events, & Activities

The Atlanta Beltline makes it easier for people to connect with each other and neighborhoods from across the city. Through our programs, we are activating Beltline parks & trails and inspiring residents to become volunteers and  advocates. 

Empowering: Affordable Housing & Sustainable Economic Development

We are finding ways to clear the path for those closest to the Beltline — residents of the neighborhoods of the corridor —to ensure their opportunity to live, work, and thrive in their community.

Atlanta Beltline Partnership

Atlanta Beltline Partnership, Inc., is a 501(c) tax-exempt nonprofit corporation that secures support and funding for the Atlanta Beltline Project.