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Our Goals

Connected, Sustainable & Equitable Communities

Living on the Atlanta Beltline isn’t just living the dream of trails, transit and greenspace. It’s also a groundbreaking economic development project with a goal to create or preserve 5,600 units of affordable and workforce housing by 2030.

Developing the Beltline

We want to build up physical space and the people of our city.

Real Estate Opportunities

Explore Atlanta Beltline real estate opportunities and see why this historic urban development project provides an ideal setting for your next development project.

Affordable Housing

Developing affordable housing on the Atlanta Beltline will always be a priority. Explore our programs and how we can partner together.


Atlanta Beltline, Inc. (ABI) is committed to seeing light rail transit built on the Atlanta Beltline.

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Here’s What’s Happening on the Beltline

There’s always something amazing going on.

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Do Business on the Beltline

The Beltline is rich with business opportunities that can help us build a more equitable and sustainable city.

Resources at the Ready

See our resource library for a deep dive into building and development on the Beltline.

We’re Proud of Our Partners