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Get To Know The Atlanta Beltline

What is the Atlanta Beltline? It’s more than just world-class trails, shops, parks, and experiences. It’s community, connection, progress, and possibility.


The Evolution of the Atlanta Beltline

From the beginning, the Atlanta Beltline has offered transformative development to the City of Atlanta. Originating in the early 2000s, this visionary urban redevelopment project repurposes a historic railway corridor, weaving trails, parks, and transit options to enhance community, economic mobility, and cultural connections.

Meet the Organizations Moving Atlanta Forward

Atlanta Beltline, Inc.

Building a More Equitable & Inclusive Atlanta

Atlanta Beltline, Inc. (ABI) oversees all aspects of planning, developing, and execution of the Atlanta Beltline project while upholding our vision and mission of a more equitable, inclusive, and sustainable city.

Atlanta Beltline Partnership

Our Vision’s Guardians

The Atlanta Beltline Partnership, a nonprofit organization, supports the realization of the Atlanta Beltline vision. The partnership’s work includes  facilitating the construction of parks and trails, engaging the public, and empowering residents through initiatives such as affordable housing, sustainable economic development, urban revitalization, and promoting a healthy lifestyle.

Diversity, Equity & Inclusion

Everyone Belongs on the Beltline

All legacy residents, new residents, and business owners — regardless of age, gender, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, race and ethnicity, ability, income, or political ideology — benefit and prosper from the economic growth and activity associated with the Atlanta Beltline.

As we move forward, we must always recognize the history of this place and understand our obligations to those who came before. This project — and, all of Atlanta, in fact — is situated on the traditional homelands of the Muscogee Creek and Cherokee Peoples. We acknowledge these original stewards of this land, and we respect and honor their cultures and traditions.


Meet the passionate people leading the way for progress on the Atlanta Beltline.

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A successful combination of governmental, nonprofit, private, and philanthropic partners makes our work possible.

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